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Seasonal health tips as per your Doshas

Basic principle of Ayurveda revolves around 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) that governs not only our own constitution, but everything else in the cosmos too. Instead of winter, spring and summer, we can break the seasons into vata season, which goes from late fall into early winter; Kapha season, from winter into spring and pitta season, which includes from summer into early fall. In season, one dosha is elevated and dominant as compare to others.
Understanding the qualities of each of these seasons can help you reduce any adverse effects. Remember that your predominant dosha increases during the season it governs, so take care to choose foods and activities that will pacify and not aggravate it.

Vata season
Ayurveda characterizes vata dosha as light, dry, rough, hard, mobile, irregular, cool- the very qualities we associate with late fall and early winter. During this period, you need to watch out for dry skin,irregular digestion and the distracted, unpredictable energy of the “holi-daze,” which can easily leave you depleted and distracted by all the excitement.
Safety measures
Take extra care to keep your internal fire (agni) ignited. Eat warm, moist foods—think stews, soups, and root veggies and avoid salads and cold snacks.
Cosy up to a warm fire or snuggle up with a good book, a cup of chai (hot tea) and a warm blanket. Warm golden milk laced with kesar is a perfect night time tonic. Make sure you do yoga and meditation practices routinely to keep your internal fire kindled. Other helpful Ayurvedic practices (dinacharya) including abyhanga and Ayurvedic Detox will help you stay steady and feel comforted.

Kapha Season
According to Ayurveda, characters of Kapha dosha are heavy, dense, wet, gooey, stable and cool qualities which are disturbed by winter season, when the ground freezes solid to early spring.
Safety measures
Turn to foods that are lighter, drier, pungent and warming. Consumes sprouts, berries, dandelion, Basil, Ginger and other spring greens- which naturally support this time of cleansing. And stick to three meals a day to avoid overindulging.
Do things that get you up and out of the house-early. Get up before kapha time (6 a.m. to 10 a.m.), and get in some exercise-bike riding, walking or light aerobic activity, yoga-before 10 a.m. This schedule will help you fend off seasonal weight gain.
Daily use of your tongue scraper, neti pot, gargling and nasya oil will help with seasonal allergies and keep kapha from building.

Pitta season
Characters of Pitta dosha are lighter in nature, slightly moist, intense, hot and sharp which is also the characters of pitta season (start of autumn and summer)
Safety measures
A use of aloe vera juice will saturate your internal heat. Summer bounty offers plenty of ways to keep cool: cucumbers, mint, summer squash, zucchini, coconut juice.

Staying out of the sun during pitta time (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) helps keep your mental and emotional energy from overheating.
Pitta types can become intolerant and intense, so adds a cool breathing practice like pranayama to balance things out. Doing lateral yoga poses like janushirshasana (head to knee pose) or utthitaparshvakonasana (side angle pose) will dissipate the internal heat, and a rubdown with coconut oil will cool your skin.

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  • 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM (Monday -Sunday) with appointments